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I'm a 1st time user and the install went well on my Win10Pro laptop. Next I selected a prepared folder of music and clicked "+ADD" for about 900 mb of files to be added to my old iPod Shuffle 2nd gen. After seeing the files added to the program windows very quickly (too quickly in my experience to have been a real copy of the files to the iPod), there was no confirmation of completion. Suspecting files hadn't in fact been copied, I went to the iPod folder and saw no files on drive. So, the "+ADD" button is only for selecting files, not selecting and copying, as some programs of this type might do. With the "UPDATE" button far to the left, it appears disconnected to the add/copy function. Normally, logic for a program process "update" in this case is for rescanning a device to look for changes, not APPLYING them. I think this should be clarified by a message like: "Your files have all been selected. Click UPDATE to copy those files to the device", or some other assist to the user as to where we are in the process.

2nd item: once I figured out the update issue, the progress bar(s) began working. However, the window showed no changes or indicated what files were being or had been worked on. A common way of doing this is for the file in process to be highlighted, the file to be named, a blinker next to the file or some other indication or combination of them. Further, files that have been completed often change to another color, either by font color change or by a line highlight that stays activated though the rest of the copy process. EAC's (Exact Audio Copy) progress indicator is a good example of this. I haven't yet uncovered a setting to do this. Further, if the user wished for some reason to terminate the process early (time crunch, change of mind about the playlist, etc....), this would allow some idea of what had been done if a specific minimum work was desired without restarting the whole process and/or wasting more time. I hope you will allow this feature to add more transparency to the workings of the program.

Thank you!

Created August 16, 2022

We should be able to sort songs in a playlist by artists, song title, album title, etc. without having to manually drag each song in the playlist. It would take way too long when you have playlists that have 500+ songs

Created February 9, 2020

Please keep the existing leading zeros on the track numbers, so the list will sort properly: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 etc not 1,10,11,2 etc

Created October 11, 2019

I have an ipod classic that I formatted (now empty). I would like to add my itunes library to it. I can't figure it out.

Created October 6, 2021

The playlist is not saved. The music cover art seems to be randomly selected.

attached image
Created May 11, 2019
Created August 20, 2022

What I mean is this: If I click on "Title" on top of a list, it sorts the songs alphabetically, kind of... For example, I now find a song that starts with "A" under "C", even though it was the first song on the list before sorting the list. Also, if after you had sorted the list, you add more songs, they appear on the bottom of the list and cannot be manually dragged to the correct place in the list. They just snapp back to the previouis position. There is definitely something not right with the list sorting procedure.

The ideal would be, that after you moved songs on a list, they either automatically 'assume' the correct alphabetucal position, or the list can reliably be sorted by clicking on "Title" on top of the list. Can you make this happen? We'd all appreciate it very much! :)

Created May 13, 2019

I have attempted multiple time to use with new phone and was unable to use. Now I'm forced to use a different program. I'm trying to transfer music from the computer and the Copy Trans Manager does not see the phone even though the computer sees it.

Created May 31, 2022

I have been given an iPad for work. Don't like them, don't need them and don't have an iTunes account or ANY desire to install their software. My understanding from what I read online is CopyTrans will allow me to connect and transfer some of my MP3's to this iPad. I have installed Apple Device Support drivers as well as CopyTrans Manager and connected to my USB. I select the "Trust Device" option when prompted but only get errors when connecting. Reconnecting or restarting the iPad OR CopyTrans software does nothing, same result... Just errors... Maybe the problem is iOS 12.3 but either way, the CopyTrans software does nothing...

Created May 14, 2019

I would like to put my playlists in Alphabetical Order, but it is not showing up in my phone that way. I cannot even edit my created playlists on CopyTrans Manager. Please help

Created February 4, 2021

No ideas right now, just wanted you to know that this app works great for me and I thank you for it!

Created February 6, 2021
Created November 9, 2018

For some reason I try adding album artwork to an album and instead of updating my iPhone with the file I selected, the software updates the phone with another album cover, seemingly at random. Please fix this issue.

Created February 8, 2021

All of my music are in MP3 format, about 100 Gb of MP3 music stored in External HDD. I was hoping that I can sort them in Library like in iTune.

All I can do is creating a new Playlist for every album. So I have a Playlist with many many names, and is not in sequence. Hence I am very reluctant to purchase this programme.

Created November 10, 2018

Just want to thank you for a great product. Beats the @#$% out of iTunes...

Created February 12, 2021

All the mp3 files i currently try to transfer from CopyTrans to Iphone gives them a 0:00 time duration, so they cannot be played.

Created October 12, 2021