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I love this programm, I have been useing it for yearsm but now i have a terrible problem, now when i add music my ipod classic dont recogninize the music <8recognize ass others) and <i have to fo to itune tu recover it so delete all the music.I only can add music with itunes now and I love copytrans. PLEASE HELP

Created February 13, 2022

When l add a folder to the playlist some tracks are not added. There is no error message that pops up to say why. l can only then see the exclamation marks next to some tracks. trying to add those tracks continues to fail without any error message.

attached image
Created October 3, 2023

I have an iPod photo genration 4 classic. My copytrans software is up to date as of today. When I add music from files on my computer they start being deleted instead of added as the update progresses..

Created February 2, 2020

This is ridiculous. I just opened the program and since Ringtones are the only things on my iPhone right now, Copy Trans assumes EVERYTHING I put in is a ringtone. There are no instructions that I can find for creating a new category and dragging my music into it from my computer.

Created January 24, 2023

I'm talking about the fact, that your program, when fully open, won't allow to scroll down to get the base line menu to come up, so you can click on another open file (ie. Windows Explorer). You have to diminish your program window to do that.

Created March 1, 2019

I'd like to endorse CopyTrans (it's fantastic) but I'm not on Twitter (I'm not a Twit) and I only use Facebook sparingly for immediate family. What other mechanism do you provide for endorsements?

Created January 12, 2021

Sometimes when you add a new selection of tracks into a playlist in Copy Trans Manager they aren't added in the same order they were in the original folder - sometimes the order is important. It would be great if you could sort a playlist (say by track number) and then be able to reset the Pos number to reflect the current order of the playlist. That way when its uploaded to iphone it plays everything correctly.

Created May 24, 2022

That is fine unless you are replacing many playlists, then you have to click Yes many times. Can you have a Yes To All button added?

Created July 7, 2020

I added an entire album to my phone and set the artworks correctly, however one of them has the wrong artwork. So I went to edit that song and changed it to the correct artwork, then updated again. But the artwork stays as the wrong one and won't change no matter how many times I try. I've tried restarting my phone, restarting copytrans, deleting and readding the song to my phone, but nothing works! Its so frustrating that it won't change to the right artwork. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE!!!!

Created January 14, 2021

to liste my tracks on my iphone its has been stuck to 42% and has not mooved fix this please

Created April 25, 2019

the name on mp3 be like this on the phone


is that some thing you can add in feature ?

Created July 11, 2020

Installed your program, CopyTransManager, plugged my iPod in, your program says needs drivers (even though Windows 10 says that iPod was recognised). Ran your driver installer. Your program still says needs drivers. Crap, I will go back to iTunes

Created January 15, 2021

I have been using your manager for a long time, but i find it hurts my eyes trying to read your fient writing with the white background. i am partially sighted which also does not help, so please please can you make it so we have a dark background instead of the glaring white !!!

Created October 30, 2022
Created May 1, 2019

You need to Update CopyTrans for iOS 15. It's sluggish and barely able to read, transfer and drag n drop files in the iPhone 13 models.

Created September 24, 2021

I have just used you manager after installing your latest update, and fingers crossed my artwork does not now seem to be muddled as it was before.

As someone who is partially sighted find your whole screen so glaring and bright to use, with the white background and the feint writing it really is a strain to see and do what i want.  Could you please not do say a dark version or skin ? which won't wreck what’s left of my eyesight.


Created October 31, 2022

Could we please have the choice to decide if we want to overwrite or not ALL items with one checkbox, it is very annoying and time consuming to have to confirm one by one when copying or transferring music to my Iphone.

Created August 1, 2024

can you save a playlist to transfer to a new iphone?

Created September 26, 2021

I'm trying to compare the song lists in multiple devices and I think it would be easier in Excel. Is there a way to get the list of songs out of the iThing into Excel?

Created May 4, 2019