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After three days of heartbreaking attempts to load my itunes library on to a new ipod , i gave up on iTunes and downloaded your app. Within 15 mins, job done ! Great Work and I really appreciate your work !

Created October 14, 2021
Created October 23, 2019

Create Playlists that change based on certain fields. "Top 100 Most Played" could always sort by Play Count. "Oldest" could always sort by Date Last Played (so you can keep your playlists fresh.) Not sure if this is even possible.

Created November 17, 2018

A dark theme would be nice

Created November 4, 2019

I'd like to be able to put podcasts into the right place. It's not essential, but it makes organization easier. Thanks so much for this software. Half the time, iTunes doesn't detect my iPod. Or it freezes. It's such a terrible, frustrating piece of junk. CopyTrans is my savior (in an audio rather than a spiritual sense of course). :)

Created November 5, 2021

Such as, acoustic setting, the volume you want set on my Ipod Classic, the set time for the song to begin and end. I don't find these features in Copytrans Manager. I am a performer with karaoke music and guitar, so I use these features all the time, but I don't really want to remain with Itunes if possible. Please send a reply that this has been received to

Created December 7, 2018

All my tracks from iTunes came without the lyrics.

Created November 21, 2021

sometimes there is more than one track of the same title. Without knowing which playlist each is in (easily) you don't know which one to delete.

Created December 11, 2018

have an option to disable creating playlists

Created November 29, 2021

Since the program is not intuitive (like your photo app) have a 'Wizard' option, which asks 'what do you want to do?' then goes through the stages, eg do you want to add a the contents of a folder, to your iPod Browse for folder, and the program would automatically do that. The 'Do you want to add this folder to a playlist?' Choose from list plus new/create. Then do you want to save this to your iPod? Program would do it automatically...

The best way to do this is to watch someone trying to use your program, without helping them at all. Look and see where the sticking points are - it does not matter if they are obvious to you .. are they obvious to the user? ' I.E. apply the 'Granny test'. I realise this one is more awkward than the photos because you have to fit in with the relics of iTunes on the iPod, but I still think you could make it a lot easier?

I am not being rude to grannies . I am an ancient one myself, and I started to write my own programs and web-sites back in 1993, but I still think the best programs should pass the 'Granny test'!

Created November 18, 2019

I don’t need a playlist created, need an option to stop these being. Rested


Created December 3, 2021
Created June 25, 2019

When I upload my mp3 files from my desktop to CopyTrans in the ipod music library, the transport is just fine. But when I try to play my music on the app or on my device it will not play. It reads "Not available." I am unable to listen to my music on this app much less update my device music library. I have to download more software in hopes that it will play my music and that's only on the app. I still can't play my music on my device afterwards. It just skips over to the next track. I have music downloads from iTunes, but I also have music files from other places. There needs to be a way we can just upload or drag all our mp3 files over and not have any issues when we try to play it. On the app or on our devices. I use to be able to drag over any mp3 to my iTunes library without any problem. Now with the changes I'm relying on other applications to get the job done. Having to go through multiple steps after step just to be able to listen to our playlist is very frustrating. I believe this app has great potential in solving our problems. For the love of music, PLEASE work on getting these minor issues resolved!

Created June 29, 2022

I want to import some new cd's #christmas but I'm playing music from my (oldskool cable-)iPod right now. So I just want to sync with the ipod later tonight but that's not possible (if im not mistaken). Would be great to import music while not-connected.

Created December 20, 2021

It's not really an idea, but more like a major concern/question. I've been using Copy Trans for quite some time now. Lately every time i connect one of my ipod nanos to add or rearrange music, after I'm finished and eject my ipod it says there's "No Songs" on it. But if I reconnect it all the songs on my computer screen along with any changes I've made. "It doesn't make any sense" (And this happened to 3 of my ipods) so, it's not me disconnecting my ipod wrong.

Created December 21, 2021

Any plans to add DLNA capability to your product?

Created January 7, 2019