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when i add an album with more than one artist, it creates multiple albums. it is really tedious to go and edit each song that has two artists. this app is really great but it has some flaws. thanks for freeing me from apple

Created March 26, 2019

It would be great to be able to delete voice memos from iPhone. Thanks!

Created October 9, 2018

I can't see playlist folders in Manager

Created October 9, 2018

The ability to remove duplicate songs on the iPod.

Created January 20, 2022

I use iphone7 and when I sync music to my phone the album cover photo change to another one please fix it

Created May 14, 2022

Been using you for awhile way before apple decided to kick itunes to the curb. your program is robust, a beast!!! thank you for creating it. Bravo to you ad your team. LKFiler

Created June 25, 2020

When I open my songs on the app, they all show up with no problem. But when I disconnect my iPod nano, it says there are no songs. What should I do???

Created April 19, 2019

Even if you are using a desktop to run CopyTrans and the Ipod is plugged in and charging the battery, it would be nice to see the level of charge at a glance.

Created February 13, 2022

Dark theme would be great, a lot easier on the eyes.

Thanks for the great app.

Created July 3, 2020

Would like to get a printout of all my songs on my Ipod. Besides that, fantastic Software. thank you very much. iTunes SUCK!

Created February 5, 2020


Created May 3, 2019

I'm an older person and not too tech savy. The CopyTrans download was simple. The tutorial was easy to follow and understand. All this made copying my CDs to my computer and putting them onto my ipod a snap. I'm thrilled with the results and more than doubled the content of my ipod. THANK YOU!!! I don't know enough to suggest a feature.

Created February 9, 2020

Not searching or finding any covers for my ipod . used to work fine?

Created May 9, 2019

I find the podcast app to be comfortable to watch home-downloaded youtube videos - it saves your current location, allows you to skip forward and back by 10 seconds (unlike the TV app) and there's video (unlike the book app).

But currently, my only way to get this done is via itunes (hate it, causes so much issues). Even when I downloaded a random podcast from the app itself, tag editor in CopyTrans Manager gives no "Media kind" selections. Seems like it's just missing as a feature.

Created October 15, 2019

can you look into the artwork search for ipod on windows 10 . all software using the latest up-dates

Created May 16, 2019