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It would be helpful if one could get an entire list of all songs on their device, perhaps to be exported to a spreadsheet format. Just a thought. Thanks

Created March 27, 2022

Recently when updating the cover art the app picks a random one already on the ipod and never the same album. This is a new phenomenon and very frustrating. Any ideas?

Created November 11, 2021

I do not use iTunes, etc. . . all my music comes from Youtube, and onto my computer with the use of a converter to MP3. When I transfer the music to my devise (using CopyTrans Manager), as much as I may try, I frequently get different volume levels in songs which require me to change the volume on my devise during playback. 

Created December 1, 2018

I organize my playlists by folder in iTunes, but CopyTrans just shows all playlists mixed together.

Created March 12, 2020

how about uploading music to my iphone! Instead of creating SO many play lists, also can we have an option to find and delete duplicates! Thanx

Created November 8, 2019

I already placed the lyrics but when I update my phone the lyrics does not appear.

Created August 16, 2020

ive tried diffrent codec tweaking to change the mp3 format to something more recognizable but it doesnt really work some songs work and some others dont help me out please

Created November 15, 2021

that's about it. i just don't want to manually change stuff for stuff on youtube that doesn't have an artist and is botched because it assumes what to put everywhere

Created October 25, 2023

This may seem trivial, but you really should delete media before adding any new media during an update. This isn't normally important, however, if you copy new files to the device before deleting old ones, you could end up running out of space on the device before the update is finished. This breaks the entire process, it's not pretty.

Created March 18, 2019

Brand new iPhone 11, been using the service for years, thanks for the hard work

Created August 19, 2020

When adding music albums to iPad/iPhone, it would be great to have the actual album cover show up, rather than just a white box. In the iTunes app, it automatically downloaded the cover, or gave you the option to find it online. Is this a possibility with this app?

Created August 20, 2020

I start to transfer some audios of English to study, but the songs appear Copytransmanager, but when I will listen in Ipod, it not works. Some advices to me? I sent music to Ipod and it worked very well. Thank you.

Created January 17, 2025

Would it be possible to allow modifying the colours of the application's screens.

The 'Whiteness' of CopyTransManager is sooooo white!

Many years ago I purchased the full suite of your apps and they had options in the advanced settings to customise the colours of various elements of the application interfaces (My versions date from 2009, placed onto a Windows XP machine.) which I greatly appreciated as I hate staring into what is effectively a white light bulb.

Earlier today I fired up CopyTransManager and it told me there was an update (10 years having elapsed, I kind thought there would be one. ;-) .) so I downloaded and installed it onto my iPod Classic, fired it up and... My eyes... What have you done? Windows 10 blandness abounds. Sorry but I feel that a graphical use interface that is almost totally white is defeating much of the underlying useability that colour brings to any application that is in any way more than the just simplest of apps, which CopyTransManager AND your other applications, in the main, certainly are not.

I have not used the apps for a great number of years, though I really like the added functionality they provide (I just didn't update my Apple devices at all. Did not have any need as I only had various iPods for music and I didn't have spare time to fully utilise them as I had too many work commitments and just listened to my home Hi-Fi for my music fix.). However I now also own a iPad and am considering purchasing the new iPod Touch and I would prefer to avoid the whiteness if at all possible while managing these devices.

I don't feel that there is a great need to once more allow specifying my own fonts, as that was an option that you used to provide as well and I understand that you may wish to simplify you applications, but the title bar and application's window colours should be user definable... to easily distinguish the program and also indicate (Via the title bar.) a safe place to click to bring the program to the front of the screen without clicking into the main work area and thereby losing any set cursor focus that I had left in the program (I have Windows 10 set to use a distinct title bar colour for all programs but CopyTransManager does not follow the rules on this issue. ;-( ).

I would like to be able to have Black text in the main. Grey is, in my humble opinion, just a tad silly as black is much more distinct and does not clash, if that is what you are trying to avoid by using grey to such a large extent, with any colour (White and Black do not clash with any other colour ~ Plain colour theory! {Sorry, I have a print background.}). I appreciated the alternating line colour scheme I used to have and also being able to have different elements of the program set to different colours to highlight when I am in a different part of the program. The highlight and selection bars would also fall into the area that a good colour combination would benefit from (2x distinct colours needed here.).

Though this request is made after just opening, and not even using, CopyTransManager, if this whiteness extends to your other applications also, then I request that all of them be updated to allow modifications to their colour schemes as well.

I used to be able to set in the advanced settings area, wether the programs opened full screen or not and this would also be useful.

One thing that I have noticed is that column sizings do not persist between sessions and this I feel is a flaw that definitely needs rectification as I almost always readjust my settings to the same widths so that I can read all displayable information in full.

Sorry for the long post but I feel that many other users would appreciate the changes that I have requested as there are many comments floating around the web regarding the blandness of Windows 10 and my suggestions would greatly aleviate many of this operating systems shortcoming in this regard without bloating or overly complicating your software, yet greatly increase it's user friendliness.

On a slightly tangential note, both versions of CopyTransManager that I ran today are installable onto the Apple devices I use them with and I am wondering if your application, CopyTransApps, is also able to be installed onto the devices that it would be used from. I looked around your website today and could not find this information for either program and it might assist new users to know this information before they evaluate your applications.

Thank you for your consideration and for your programs that allow me to totally bypass iTunes, as it has a major flaw in that it interupts whatever I am doing within it whever a song finishes (Just to tell me it's now playing... XYZ.) even while I am in the middle of doing some editing, thus losing all my work. Grrrrr! Apple is not a software company so what can you expect I suppose (OK they make software... But; As their major Windows offering, iTunes sucks! And this is not a good signpost for whatever may lurk within a Mac, nicely designed though their products are.).

Yours Sincerely [A very happy CopyTransControlCenter user ~ The 5th program I paid for, and worth every cent.],


P.S: Thank you SO much for a decent sized comment box (Come on Microsoft, lift your game ~ They provide a tiny box that is about 1/25th of my total screen real estate... It is the 21st Century after all. Their, and other sites also, annoyingly small comment box is agonising to use and is a pet peave of mine.).

Created May 31, 2019

If I understand correctly, in the free version podcasts can be edited and deleted but not added, even by dragging a file. Is there a paid version which allows this and if would be much appreciated.

Created November 18, 2021

It would be a great thing if it weren't for the fact that every time I use CopyTrans Manager with my iPod Shuffle 4G the maximum volume is reduced and to fix it I have to connect it to iTunes again, from which I can maximize it.

The problem is that iTunes, as we all know, is a terrible and poor program that causes a myriad of problems and in fact 9 times out of 10 I can no longer connect it to my iPod.

The final result is that my ipod is currently unusable for these reasons.

If you can solve this volume bug which, every time you use CopyTrans Manager, goes back to around 60%... you will have definitively defeated iTunes, finally.

Created January 23, 2024

when i transfer audio books from computer to iphone half or more of the content doesn't move over

Created June 2, 2019

how do i import an album that has multiple artists without the album separating the songs

Created March 31, 2021

I've been using CopyTrans Manager for perhaps 10 years now, and have always been frustrated that I cannot manage my Playlists properly using it because there is no way to get the lists to show up on my iPhone the same way they show up in the playlist editor.

While playlists with names that begin with numbers show up at the top of the playlist and automatically organize themselves in ascending order, names starting with number start AFTER names that are alphabetical. So, although names prefixed with numbers (01. - <name>, 02 - <name> ., 03. - <name>, etc.) show up at the top of the list in order in CopyTrans Manager, they are not found at the top of the list on the iPhone, but below any playlist names that start with letters.

Equally as frustrating, if one begins prefixing their playlist names with letters (a <name>, a <name>, a <name>, b <name> b<name>, c <name>, etc.) if any additional characters are used for sorting purposes (aa <name>, aa <name>, b <name> ba <name>, bb <name>, etc.) one begins to lose valuable character space simply attempting to sort their playlists and keep them in the desired order.

There is no easily available reference to know the heirarchy of symbols, to know where they might show up in CopyTrans Manager, or any way of knowing if that order will be what actually shows up on the iPhone, which makes this aspect of CopyTrans Manager, the sorting and maintaining of the order of ones playlists very difficult and somewhat frustrating.

So, it would be nice if someone would finally address this problem which has existed with the application for so long and make the way the playlist order shows up in CopyTrans Manager the same as it shows up when one views their playlists on their iPhone.


Created March 21, 2019

Please add the title narrator , in the drop down list.. all audiobooks have readers.. not album artists....

Created June 3, 2019