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specs: iphone 13 pro, ios 16.4.1

great program but a very annoying issue has come up recently: albums covers have not been syncing correctly and will instead pull a random cover from an album i've added to my phone earlier. manually changing it in CTM does not work.

Created May 16, 2023

If I click the "Add" button and select a directory with many tracks, the software seems to do a huge amount of work. I don't know what it is doing but it takes maybe 5 minutes to add about 200 tracks. It is an amount of slow work that I associate with, say, copying the files from one disk to another. However what is it actually doing during the "adding" stage? It is not clear. Really all the software should do is to inspect the file system and create a list of titles. I expect that to take a few seconds even if there are hundreds of files. OK so what is going on here. Perhaps if you explain to users what the software is doing and why it needs to take so long "adding" it will make sense.

Created April 7, 2019

When Apple Music is enabled, users need to be able to use the program. Now the whole interface is blocked.

Created October 9, 2018
Created June 13, 2020

Its very easy to accidently make duplicates, would appreciate feature that detects duplicates in play list and warns you and says keep or remove duplicates

Created November 19, 2024

Drag & Drop > Finding my tracks inside the file folder hierarchy of Windows

Created September 12, 2019

I transferred, mp4 file via copytrans to my ipod video 5g it doesn't work. Either tell us if there is a way to install codec in ipod or give us an alternative solution to push converted file in it

Created October 26, 2018

I really respect you for the program you have created. You are really great !! 😆😆

Created September 13, 2019

In the mix of info within the status bar at the bottom of the screen, can you add the total time for the playlist and/or selected tracks.

Thanks for considering this request.

Created October 14, 2019

It would be super, that when we move songs over from the PC to the iPad, we would be warned, that this or that song already is on the list of songs there. As it is now, it just puts the transferred songs on the bottom of the list, regardless if some of these songs are already on that list.

Created May 13, 2019

Latest version says sync will increase space and it never does with my older ipod

Created October 17, 2019

Please add a feature to automatically find and add lyrics to uploaded songs

Created October 20, 2019

Export text file or preferably a CSV file of the albums artists and tracks....this would be a great way using EXCEL to display what's on the Ipod thanks

Created November 15, 2021

Option to export artist albums tracks to excel in CSV format Col A artist Col B Album names Col C tracks

Created November 19, 2021

Allow tracks to be added with a new album even if tracks already exist elsewhere 

I want to add some new albums but some of the tracks exist on other albums so the message”tracks not added” appears, the tracks I am adding have a different genre, so need to be added again

suggest adding option to the message

add tracks even if already exist elsewhere

can’t believe this isn’t already an option


Created December 3, 2021

If tracks already exist give the option to change the genre to the same as tracks being added

copytrans won’t let me add tracks that already exist, but if the genre is different either add the option to allow tracks to be added regardless or change the genre of existing tracks to match those being added

Created December 3, 2021

specs: iphone 13 pro, ios 16.4.1

great program but a very annoying issue has come up recently: albums covers have not been syncing correctly and will instead pull a random cover from an album i've added to my phone earlier. manually changing it in CTM does not work.

Created May 16, 2023