Problem: Auto alphabetize locks the list

What I mean is this: If I click on "Title" on top of a list, it sorts the songs alphabetically, kind of... For example, I now find a song that starts with "A" under "C", even though it was the first song on the list before sorting the list. Also, if after you had sorted the list, you add more songs, they appear on the bottom of the list and cannot be manually dragged to the correct place in the list. They just snapp back to the previouis position. There is definitely something not right with the list sorting procedure.

The ideal would be, that after you moved songs on a list, they either automatically 'assume' the correct alphabetucal position, or the list can reliably be sorted by clicking on "Title" on top of the list. Can you make this happen? We'd all appreciate it very much! :)

Created May 13, 2019

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