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When I open the main view of 'CopyTrans Manager', I see a few windows to choose "Genres","Artists" and "Albums".
Please add the choice of "Composers" since I often listen to classical music.
It might be much convenient if users can choose these small windows up to his/her tastes.
i love copy trans manager this is one of the best programs that i know for iphone, but one thing that i would like its just to make it more faster when we use it, like if i connect the cable to my laptop and i wanna use the copy trans manager it takes like 60 seconds to show the playlist that i have on my iphone, anywas i love this programm so all the best.
Thank you for your suggestion! Please make sure you change the album artwork after the tracks were copied to device. Transfer the tracks first, apply the changes by pressing "Update" and then go ahead and change the artwork to your liking.