Help us improve CopyTrans Manager

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Recently every track that I transfer over to my iphone using copytrans has incorrect album art and even when i manually replace the album art on the program itself, once i update, the album art is wrong again...

Created August 10, 2021

The font on the list of songs, albums etc, displayed in the program is way to small for me. Can this be adjusted??

Created July 22, 2021

I can't even get itunes to open up, so my suggestion is what do I do if itunes doesn't open?????

Created July 22, 2021

When I open the main view of 'CopyTrans Manager', I see a few windows to choose "Genres","Artists" and "Albums".

Please add the choice of "Composers" since I often listen to classical music.

It might be much convenient if users can choose these small windows up to his/her tastes.

Created July 11, 2021

It would be useful if the type (music / audiobook) or genre of an album or all selected tracks could be changed using multi-edit without changing track numbers or anything else.

Created July 11, 2021

App worked fine for me but I wanted to make the audio from my computer into a text tone but it only had the option to become a ringtone.

Created July 9, 2021

i love copy trans manager this is one of the best programs that i know for iphone, but one thing that i would like its just to make it more faster when we use it, like if i connect the cable to my laptop and i wanna use the copy trans manager it takes like 60 seconds to show the playlist that i have on my iphone, anywas i love this programm so all the best.

Created June 6, 2021
  1. Every time I start CopyTrans Manager, I have to get up and manually disconnect my iPod 7G and reconnect the USB cable. This gets to be tedious.
  2. The metatag Consolidation tool in Settings needs some kind of progress indicator - "it might take 15 minutes" is not good enough.
Created May 28, 2021

Since iTunes has supported wireless syncing for some time, this would be a very good feature to add.

Created May 28, 2021

How come the new added songs go to bottom in iPhone songs?

Created April 12, 2021

it is not simple to add compilation cds as they separate all songs and

also every cd i have transferred track one is always on its own

and no artwork is found when searched

Created April 3, 2021

I have a ton of playlists, and in Itunes, I was able to organize them into subfolders to keep things organized.

Created April 3, 2021

how do i import an album that has multiple artists without the album separating the songs

Created March 31, 2021

please change setting

anytime I transfer a music file to my Iphone 12 pro max , song Art work changes to a totally diferent song.

few versions before had same problem but was fixed , it seems it surfaced with newer version. !!!??

Created March 22, 2021

I have trouble connecting to the Apple Store for updates and now CopyTrans can not update my Ipod.

Created March 8, 2021

Just want to thank you for a great product. Beats the @#$% out of iTunes...

Created February 12, 2021