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It's not really an idea, but more like a major concern/question. I've been using Copy Trans for quite some time now. Lately every time i connect one of my ipod nanos to add or rearrange music, after I'm finished and eject my ipod it says there's "No Songs" on it. But if I reconnect it all the songs on my computer screen along with any changes I've made. "It doesn't make any sense" (And this happened to 3 of my ipods) so, it's not me disconnecting my ipod wrong.
If tracks already exist give the option to change the genre to the same as tracks being added
copytrans won’t let me add tracks that already exist, but if the genre is different either add the option to allow tracks to be added regardless or change the genre of existing tracks to match those being added
Allow tracks to be added with a new album even if tracks already exist elsewhere
I want to add some new albums but some of the tracks exist on other albums so the message”tracks not added” appears, the tracks I am adding have a different genre, so need to be added again
suggest adding option to the message
add tracks even if already exist elsewhere
can’t believe this isn’t already an option
Reinstall your drivers using our program, CopyTrans Drivers Installer (free). You can find it here (see the bottom of the page):
CopyTrans Drivers Installer will ask you to uninstall iTunes: this is a one-time procedure that we do to reshuffle the drivers' components. After you have done that, you can install and use iTunes again: your media library won't be affected.
If the issue persists, please contact our Support Team at and send us the log files. Here's how to generate them: