Help us improve CopyTrans Manager

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Can't synch iPod Shuffle players. My 4th generation units are never recognized by the software!

Created November 30, 2022

I have just used you manager after installing your latest update, and fingers crossed my artwork does not now seem to be muddled as it was before.

As someone who is partially sighted find your whole screen so glaring and bright to use, with the white background and the feint writing it really is a strain to see and do what i want.  Could you please not do say a dark version or skin ? which won't wreck what’s left of my eyesight.


Created October 31, 2022

I have been using your manager for a long time, but i find it hurts my eyes trying to read your fient writing with the white background. i am partially sighted which also does not help, so please please can you make it so we have a dark background instead of the glaring white !!!

Created October 30, 2022

iphone 7,8,9,10 test and it works to copy trans music but not for ipone 13.pc finds my phone but copy trans say error

Created October 1, 2022

I have an iphone 7 and I just purchased an iphone 14 Pro. I want to transfer all my music from my iphone7 to my new iphone 14. Is that possible using the CopyTrans Manager that I currently have or is it not possible?

Created September 25, 2022

Can you allow us to edit the sorting because, for some reason, my music's not in the recently added sort? If I add any music, it will go to the bottom even if I'm sorting it by recently added. In iTunes, if I sort it by recently added, it will show at the top

Created September 19, 2022

This is more like a flaw, something thats missing. Here: Open CopyTransManager, and I want to find out if I have a song in there. In the search box, I enter the word "tiger" and it finds it in 3 locations. WHAT YOU DO NOT TELL ME IS THE NAME OF THE PLAYLIST each of these 3 songs have been found int. Now I know I have the song that has "tiger" in its title 3 time,s but I have no idea which playlist each of them are in. See if you can fix it.

Created September 18, 2022

These 3 things can be done in even old e.g. 2015 or older iTunes but not in CopyTrans. Two can be done in older free SharePod. All are really essential for listening to e.g. podcasts/speech files.

Add ability to set:

(i) Type (e.g. Audiobook) and

(ii) Remember position

- can both be set in SharePod 3.9.9 but seemingly not in Copytrans Manager;

(iii) specify volume level for one or more tracks - can be set in iTunes but it seems, not in either SharePod or in Copytrans Manager.

iTunes has been a major headache in Windows 10 so will resort to using it under Windows 7 which works fine and maybe try a Linux alternative when dual-boot instal is done of e.g. Ubuntu Mate.

Created September 11, 2022

My iPhone fell asleep while I was away from my desk. When I returned I turned my phone back on but copytrans manager does not recognize it anymore. I uninstalled the program. I went back on the internet to redownload it. Although, I'm still having that problem! Please help!

Created September 9, 2022
Created August 20, 2022

I'm a 1st time user and the install went well on my Win10Pro laptop. Next I selected a prepared folder of music and clicked "+ADD" for about 900 mb of files to be added to my old iPod Shuffle 2nd gen. After seeing the files added to the program windows very quickly (too quickly in my experience to have been a real copy of the files to the iPod), there was no confirmation of completion. Suspecting files hadn't in fact been copied, I went to the iPod folder and saw no files on drive. So, the "+ADD" button is only for selecting files, not selecting and copying, as some programs of this type might do. With the "UPDATE" button far to the left, it appears disconnected to the add/copy function. Normally, logic for a program process "update" in this case is for rescanning a device to look for changes, not APPLYING them. I think this should be clarified by a message like: "Your files have all been selected. Click UPDATE to copy those files to the device", or some other assist to the user as to where we are in the process.

2nd item: once I figured out the update issue, the progress bar(s) began working. However, the window showed no changes or indicated what files were being or had been worked on. A common way of doing this is for the file in process to be highlighted, the file to be named, a blinker next to the file or some other indication or combination of them. Further, files that have been completed often change to another color, either by font color change or by a line highlight that stays activated though the rest of the copy process. EAC's (Exact Audio Copy) progress indicator is a good example of this. I haven't yet uncovered a setting to do this. Further, if the user wished for some reason to terminate the process early (time crunch, change of mind about the playlist, etc....), this would allow some idea of what had been done if a specific minimum work was desired without restarting the whole process and/or wasting more time. I hope you will allow this feature to add more transparency to the workings of the program.

Thank you!

Created August 16, 2022

Can you have an option to create a playlist with the files already on the device (IPOD) with having to copy the files again from the source so you won't end up with duplicate files on your device. Vey annoying ;-)

Created July 30, 2022

Need an option to copy the albums in their entirety regardless if a tracks exists in a different album, the albums copied need to be complete. Not with various tracks missing because they exist somewhere else thanks

Created July 19, 2022

When I upload my mp3 files from my desktop to CopyTrans in the ipod music library, the transport is just fine. But when I try to play my music on the app or on my device it will not play. It reads "Not available." I am unable to listen to my music on this app much less update my device music library. I have to download more software in hopes that it will play my music and that's only on the app. I still can't play my music on my device afterwards. It just skips over to the next track. I have music downloads from iTunes, but I also have music files from other places. There needs to be a way we can just upload or drag all our mp3 files over and not have any issues when we try to play it. On the app or on our devices. I use to be able to drag over any mp3 to my iTunes library without any problem. Now with the changes I'm relying on other applications to get the job done. Having to go through multiple steps after step just to be able to listen to our playlist is very frustrating. I believe this app has great potential in solving our problems. For the love of music, PLEASE work on getting these minor issues resolved!

Created June 29, 2022

I'm very happy that i can upload videos from my pc to the iphone and the ipad. CopyTrans advantages over 10 years of experience in bridging the gap between iPhone and Windows. This is a great achievement and the software is free. Stephen Curry is a phenomenal basketball player. Wow! I wish you good luck and success in your life. René from Basel/Switzerland

Created June 13, 2022