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2 things - there should be a way to specify the sort order. e.g. Album, artist, title (major to minor order or reverse). Second, you should be able to update the iPhone once you do the sorting. Now, you can only update your phone if you add or delete a track.

Great product! I've recommended it to many people.

Created December 11, 2018

sometimes there is more than one track of the same title. Without knowing which playlist each is in (easily) you don't know which one to delete.

Created December 11, 2018

Such as, acoustic setting, the volume you want set on my Ipod Classic, the set time for the song to begin and end. I don't find these features in Copytrans Manager. I am a performer with karaoke music and guitar, so I use these features all the time, but I don't really want to remain with Itunes if possible. Please send a reply that this has been received to

Created December 7, 2018

I do not use iTunes, etc. . . all my music comes from Youtube, and onto my computer with the use of a converter to MP3. When I transfer the music to my devise (using CopyTrans Manager), as much as I may try, I frequently get different volume levels in songs which require me to change the volume on my devise during playback. 

Created December 1, 2018

it would be great if you could see in which playlist a song is. I have a lot of playlists and every time I search for a song I can only see the position #, but not in which playlist the song is. It would be a really helpful addition

Created November 30, 2018

Create Playlists that change based on certain fields. "Top 100 Most Played" could always sort by Play Count. "Oldest" could always sort by Date Last Played (so you can keep your playlists fresh.) Not sure if this is even possible.

Created November 17, 2018

I like my music library looking as professional as possible (as in I make sure to edit everything to make it look like I bought every song on iTunes). However, Apple now does the thing where explicit songs are tagged with an E. Can we have an function?

Created November 15, 2018

iTunes let users add functionality of 'Remember Position' to mp3 files.

This is VERY useful for AUDIOBOOKS so you do NOT have to remember the position of the last playback position.

Imagine if the file is 1 hours long and you're currently on 0:22:00 minutes.

WITHOUT that functionality, the file is RESET EVERY TIME BACK TO 0:00 AT THE BEGINNING!



Created November 13, 2018

All of my music are in MP3 format, about 100 Gb of MP3 music stored in External HDD. I was hoping that I can sort them in Library like in iTune.

All I can do is creating a new Playlist for every album. So I have a Playlist with many many names, and is not in sequence. Hence I am very reluctant to purchase this programme.

Created November 10, 2018
Created November 9, 2018

transfer feature to iPhone player is not user friendly

Created November 6, 2018

I transferred, mp4 file via copytrans to my ipod video 5g it doesn't work. Either tell us if there is a way to install codec in ipod or give us an alternative solution to push converted file in it

Created October 26, 2018

When a user adds new songs via CopyTrans, they don't show up under "Recently Added". Please fix this!

Created October 21, 2018

In iTunes, it is possible to load a custom EQ setting for a song. However when one migrates over to CopyTrans, there is no setting for this, so if the user would like to change the EQ setting of a song, he can't do it without opening another program.

I think as a feature suggestion, this should be allowed. Maybe it should be the iTunes EQ setting, or one should be able to change the EQ with a high level of detail, with a user-definable amount of sliders.

Created October 21, 2018

Love your app except wish it had a more intuitive feel, instead of having to look for the +Add button on the right, show the folder Explorer like view of the C drive on the left (so we can see and expand the Music folder on our PC and keep it open) where you show Categories and Playlists below it, that would make for a natural left to right (top to bottom) work flow of moving files from your computer to the iphone

Created October 20, 2018

every time I add tracks and update my phone (IphoneX) it deletes the playlist contents on my phone. so I have to rebuild the entire playlist.

I utilize copytrans as a way to add audiobooks. and its frustrating to lose all music playlists just to download a new book.

Created October 13, 2018